Prof. Dr. Jost Jonas   Adenauerplatz 2     69115 Heidelberg  Tel. +49-6221 - 3929-320   Fax +49-6221-3929-329 email:

857 publications in Pubmed :

and 1332 oral presentations  and posters at conferences

in the following fields:

- Morphological diagnosis of optic nerve diseases including the glaucomas

- Population-based studies (Beijing Eye Study; Central India Eye and Medical Study CIEMS; Beijing Eye

Public Health Care Project; Beijing Pediatric Eye Study; Shandong Children Eye Study)

- Global Burden of Diseases Study

- Intravitreal cell-encoated drug therapy

- Intravitreal application of medication as treatment of intraocular edematous, proliferative and neovascular 

diseases such as exudative age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy

- Contact lens associated ophthalmodynamometry

- Clinical aspects of cornea, cataract, glaucoma, retinal and vitreoretinal surgery

- Myopia: Prevalence, anatomy, development, prevention and therapy

- Ocular Biomechanics in the eye 

- Retinal microglial system